59 research outputs found

    Nanogold as Supporting Activities of Conventional Sunscreen of Octyl-p-Methoxycinnamate to Inhibit Photoaging

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    Research has been conducted in order to determine the potential of nanogold as a material and supporting material of sunscreen. It can contribute to the pharmaceutical design of cosmetics that much more effective, especially as a sunscreen as well as antiaging. Nanogold with various concentrations to be tested, was synthesized without using a matrix so that sunscreen activity really pure due to the activity of nanogold. Test of sunscreen activity and test of supporting capacity of sunscreen material is done by measuring the absorbance of nanogold, OPMC (Octyl-p-Methoxycinnamate) compound, and combinations of OPMC-nanogold using UV-Vis instrument of Simatzu-1700. The results showed that nanogold having sunscreen activity, especially in the high energy UV region at ? 200 nm. Its activities will be higher if the concentration becomes higher. Nanogold also strongly supports the sunscreen activities of OPMC. This is evident from the increase in absorbance value of the combination of nanogold and OPMC. Keywords: Sunscreen activity, Nanogold, OPMC compound, Combinations of OPMC-nanogol

    Potensi Senyawa Betalain pada Ekstrak Biji Binahong Berbatang Merah (Anredera cordifolia) sebagai Fotosensitizer Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC)

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    Abstract: This study aims to examine the extract of red trunk binahong seed as a dye in Dye Sensitized Solar Cell (DSSC). (Anredera cordifolia) characterization was carried out by UV-Visible spectrophotometry and resulted in absorption at a wavelength of 537 nm, purification the extract of red trunk binahong seed was carried out by column chromatography using methanol: ethyl acetate as  solvent with ratio of 3: 2 and 10 fractions color were produced. The identification of compounds and functional groups were analyzed by FTIR which showed the presence of betalain derivatives, namely betanidine, betanine, and neobetanin. Molecular weight analysis was carried out by LC-MS and the molecular weight of betanidine was 386.3171. The voltage and current from the DSSC results were measured using  multimeter, the efficiency of the extract of red trunk binahong seed was 0.64% and the one that experienced a change in color to orange was 0.55%.Keywords:, betalain, betanidine, betanine, DSSC, red trunk binahon


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    Abstrak. Telah dilakukan studi teoritis jalur sintesis asam elagat dari asam galat. Usulan jalur sintesis asam elagat dan turunannya dari asam galat belum pasti secara teoritis hanya berdasarkan hasil eksperimen di laboratorium, sehingga terbentuknya struktur keadaan transisi belum seluruhnya diungkapkan. Hal ini dikarenakan melalui eksperimen, keadaan transisi yang menghubungkan antara reaktan dan produk tidak dapat diidentifikasi. Oleh karena itu akan dikaji secara teori menggunakan kimia komputasi untuk membuktikan secara teori berdasarkan hasil komputasi yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan DFT. Pendekatan komputasi dilakukan dengan metode Mekanika Molekul (MM) untuk memastikan secara geometri molekul yang diperkuat dengan metode Teori Fungsional Kerapatan (Density Functional Theory, DFT) menggunakan Becke’s three-parameter hybrid functional (B3LYP) and basis set 6-31G sebagi pendukung secara elektronik. Komputasi dilakukan menggunakan software Gabedit dimana telah terinstall MPQC dan NwChem. Berdasarkan data hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dapat disimpulkan bahwa, dari berbagai fenomena yang terjadi pada jalur sintesis, terbukti bahwa jalur-jalur sintesis asam elagat tersebut terbukti rasional secara teori berdasarkan hasil komputasi yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan DFT. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari nilai energi aktivasi yang bernilai postif dan energi transisinya lebih besar daripada energi reaktan maupun produknya, dengan demikian semua usulan jalur sintesis asam elagat dari asam galat terbukti rasional jika dikaji secara komputasi dengan menggunakan DFT yang sebelumnya telah dilakukan komputasi dengan menggunakan metode MM. Kata kunci : Asam galat, asam elagat, DFT, Ea. Abstract. A theoretical study has been carried out for the elagic acid synthesis pathway from gallic acid. The proposed pathway for the synthesis of elagic acid from gallic acid is theoretically uncertain only based on the results of experiments in the laboratory, so that the formation of the structure of the transition state has not been fully revealed. This is because through experiments, the transition state that connects reactants and products cannot be identified. Therefore, it will be studied in theory using computational chemistry to prove theoretically based on computational results performed using DFT. The computational approach is carried out using the Molecular Mechanics (MM) method to ensure molecular geometry that is strengthened by the Density Functional Theory (DFT) method using Beckes three-parameter hybrid functional (B3LYP) and base set 6-31G as an electronic support. Computing is done using Gabedit software which has installed MPQC and NwChem. Based on the research data obtained, it can be concluded that, from various phenomena that occur in the synthesis pathway, it is evident that the pathways for the synthesis of elagic acid are proven to be rationally theoretically based on computational results performed using DFT. This can be seen from the positive activation energy value and the transition energy is greater than the reactant energy and its products, thus all the proposed elagic acid synthesis pathways from gallic acid are proven to be rational if studied computationally using DFT which has previously been done computationally using the method MM. Keywords: Gallic acid, ellagic acid, DFT, Ea


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    Abstrak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh variasi jenis bakteri selulotik yangberasal dari feses sapi terhadap besarnya efisiensi sel bakar mikroba. Penelitian dilakukan melalui ujilaboratorium terhadap voltase sel bakar mikroba menggunakan avometer. Metode yang digunakanadalah mengalirkan substrat berupa larutan feses sapi ke dalam ruang anoda sel bakar sedangkanaquades digunakan untuk mengisi ruang katoda. Elektroda karbon aktif digunakan sebagai anoda danseng sebagai katoda. Kemudian ditambahkan bakteri selulotik dari feses sapi pada ruang anoda. Jenisbakteri selulotik yang digunakan adalah Pseudomonas sp., Cellulomonas sp., dan Cellvibrio sp.Bakteri selulotik melakukan metabolisme terhadap substrat di anoda dan mengubahnya menjadienergi listrik. Elektron mengalir melalui sirkuit luar menuju ke katoda sehingga menimbulkan aruslistrik. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa bakteri selulotik dari jenis Pseudomonas sp.menghasilkan efisiensi tertinggi yaitu 68,4%. Sedangkan bakteri Cellulomonas sp. dan Cellvibrio sp.menghasilkan efisiensi sebesar 62,9% dan 63,6%.Kata kunci: Sel bakar Mikroba, Bakteri Selulotik, Efisiensi.Abstract. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of variations spesies in cellulotic bacteriathat derived from cow feces to microbial fuel cells efficiency. The research was conducted throughlaboratory testing of microbial fuel cell voltage using avometer. The method that used is by flowingsubstrate from cow feces solution into the fuel cell anode chamber, while water is used to fill thecathode chamber. Activated carbon electrode used as anode, while zinc used as cathode. Thus, addedcellulotic bacteria from cow feces at anode chamber. Cellulotic bacteria spesies used werePseudomonas sp., Cellulomonas sp., and Cellvibrio sp. Cellulotic bacteria do metabolism processconcern the substrate at anode and convert it into electrical energy. Electrons through external circuitto the cathode, so giving rise to electric current. The result showed that cellulotic bacteria ofPseudomonas sp. produce the highest efficiency is 68.4%. While the bacteria Cellulomonas sp. andCellvibrio sp. produce efficiency is 62.9% and 63.6%.Keywords: Microbial Fuel Cell, Cellulotic Bacteria, Efficiency


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    Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan model komposit dari graphene dan polietilena serta mengetahui kekuatannya terhadap peluru. Pemodelan komposit menggunakan perangkat lunak AVOGADRO dan untuk perhitungan komputasi terhadap model menggunakan perangkat lunak SIESTA. Simulasi ketahanan terhadap peluru dilakukan dengan menggunakan sub software dari ANSYS. Hasilnya menunjukan bahwa model komposit yang mampu bertahan dari tembakan peluru adalah graphene 60% dan graphene 70%. Simulasi dilakukan dengan ketebalan komposit awal 1 mm dengan peluru berkecepatan awal 600 m/s dan bermassa 50 gram. Selanjutnya dilakukan variasi dengan ketebalan 4, 7, 10, dan 13 mm pada model komposit dan digunakan peluru berkecepatan 1200 m/s dengan massa 50 gram. Hasil menunjukan bahwa model komposit dengan ketebalan 13 mm dapat menahan peluru dengan kecepatan 1200 m/s. Kata Kunci : Graphene, Polietilena, AVOGADRO, SIESTA, ANSYS Abstract The purposes of this research is model composite development from graphene and polyethylene as well as knowing it’s strength against bullets. Modelling of composite used AVOGADRO software and for computational calculation used SIESTA software. Bullets resistance simulation performed by ANSYS software. Results showed the composite model that withstand from bulletshot is graphene 60 % and graphene 70%. Simulation perfromed used 1 mm thickness of composite with 600 m/s bullets speed and 50 gram mass. Then simulation performed by used thickness variation 4, 7, 10, 13 mm to composite model and used 1200 m/s bullets velocity with 50 gram mass. results showed the composite model with 13 mm thickness can withstands the bullets. Keywords : Graphene, Polyethylene, AVOGADRO, SIESTA, ANSY

    Study In Silico Senyawa Asam Asiatik dan Turunannya Sebagai Anti Katarak

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    This study aims to examine asiatic acid from Barringtonia asiatica seed extract as an anti-cataract. The presence of asiatic acid in the extract was confirmed using LCMS. The study was conducted using the HKSA method and it is independent of the molecular docking method. Molecular modeling was carried out using the Avogadro program. Descriptors computation using NWChem (DFT method, 6-311G base set), Swiss ADME, Molinspiration, and ADMET. Molecular tethering and visualization using Autodock Tools 1.5.6. and Discovery Studio 2019 Client. The best compounds that fight against cataracts are 9- (methoxymethyl)-1,2,6a, 6b, 9,12a-hexamethyl-10,11-dioxo-1,2,3,4,4a,5,6,6a, 6b,7,8,8a, 9,10,11,12,12a, 12b,13,14b-icosahydropicene-4a carboxylic acid. The equation:Log P = 25.593 + (- 0.136) * PSA + (-1.694) * Surface area + (-0.015) * Volume + (1.368) * molar refraction + (0.129) * LUMO + (- 7.007) * HOMO + (- 0.117) ) * E DFT + (-0.037) * E Hydration + (- 0.262) * PolarizationThis molecule was confirmed to be anti-cataract based on the molecular docking against the 4JGF protein target which produced binding energy and inhibition constants of -8.78 and 0.3368 uM

    Studi In Silico Fitosterol dan Turunannya SebagaiKandidatObat Anti Kanker Payudara

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji obat anti kanker payudara dari senyawa fitosterol dan turunannya. Studi dilakukan dengan metode HKSA dan meninggalkan metode penambatan molekular. Deskriptor HKSA yang digunakan adalah elektronik, sterik dan hidrofobik. Karakter dari masing-masing deskriptor dikomputasikan menggunakan NWchem dan Gamess (metode DFT, basis set 6-31 *), SwissAdme, Molinspiration, dan pkCSM. Penambatan dan visualisasi molekul dilakukan dengan Autodock Tools 1.5.6 dan Biovia Discovery Studio 2019. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa model persamaan terbaik senyawa HKSA bahan obat dari turunan senyawa fitosterol adalah Log P = 316.46 + (-1.513 * MR) + (-0.668 * V) + (3.926 * P) + (-18.235 * Homo) + (2.757 * Lumo), dari persamaan tersebut diperoleh senyawa terbaik (9aR, 11aR) ‐7 ‐ chloro ‐ 1‐ [(5R) ‐5 ‐ ethyl ‐ methylheptan ‐ 2 ‐Yl] ‐9a, 11a ‐ dimethyl ‐ 1H, 2H, 3H, 3aH, 3bH, 4H, 6H, 7H, 8H, 9H, 9aH, 9bH, 10H, 11H, 11aH ‐ cyclopenta [a] phenanthren ‐ 7 ‐ ol. Senyawa tersebut dipastikan memiliki kemampuan sebagai anti kanker berdasarkan penambatan molekular dengan target protein 2W3L karena memiliki energi ikat sebesar -5,72 kcal / mol dan konstanta inhibisi 64,07 nM (nanomolar)


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    Abstrak. Bioetanol sebagai energi alternatif dari biomasa rumput alang-alang (Imperata cylindrica) telah berhasil di produksi menggunakan metode SSF (Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation). Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu sakarifikasi dan fermentasi rumput alang-alang pada produksi bioetanol yang dihasilkan. Biomasa rumput alang-alang mengandung 40,22% selulosa, 18,40% hemiselulosa, dan 31,29% lignin. Proses delignifikasi menggunakan NaOH 10% mampu menghilangkan lignin dan hemiselulosa sebesar 27,6046% dari berat kering biomasa. Tahap sakarifikasi dan fermentasi memanfaatkan mikroorganisme Aspergillus niger dan Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Mikroorganisme membutuhakan waktu pertumbuahan hingga mempu mengolah selulosa menjadi bioetanol. Maka dari itu dilakukan variasi waktu sakarifikasi dan fermentasi selama 3, 5, 7 dan 9 hari. Hari ke-7 menghasilkan kadar bioetanol terbaik yakni 30% dengan nilai densitas sebesar 0,94454 g/ml. Berdasarkan data tersebut menunjukan bahwa waktu sakarifikasi dan fermentasi mempengaruhi produksi bioetanol. Kata Kunci : Bioetanol, biomasa, SSF                                                        Abstract. Bioethanol as an alternative energy from alang-alang grass biomass (Imperata cylindrica) has been successfully produced using SSF (Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation) methods. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of timing in saccharification and fermentation from weed grass on production the bioethanol. The weed grass biomass contains 40.22% cellulose, 18.40% hemicellulose, and 31.29% lignin. The delignification process using 10% NaOH has capability to remove lignin and hemicellulose until 27.6046% mass from the dry weight biomass. The saccharification and fermentation stages utilize Aspergillus niger microorganisms and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Those Microorganisms required time to growing until capable to transfrom cellulose into bioetanol. Therefore, this research used saccharification time and fermentation variation by 3, 5, 7 and 9 days. The 7th day producing the best bioethanol product until 30% with 0.94454 g/ml density value. Based on these result, its shows that saccharification time and fermentation affected the production of bioethanol. Keywords: Bioethanol, biomass, SS